Treyarch goes all out with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The new live action “Surprise” trailer directed by Guy Ritchie, plays on the idea that “there’s a soldier in all of us” .... is there a soldier in you? It features various players that just as they think they have the shot .... "surprise" ...... With special cameos from both film and internet stars that includes Robert Downey Jr. and Kyle Myers, aka Dmitri Potapoff of FPSRussia. Check the full trailer and get ready for your own surprise as this game releases November 13 ... and if you're like us, you can't wait .....
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Black Ops II .... Surprise!
In one of the most awesome pre release hype ads ever released .... the Black Ops II team have really gone to town!
Treyarch goes all out with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The new live action “Surprise” trailer directed by Guy Ritchie, plays on the idea that “there’s a soldier in all of us” .... is there a soldier in you? It features various players that just as they think they have the shot .... "surprise" ...... With special cameos from both film and internet stars that includes Robert Downey Jr. and Kyle Myers, aka Dmitri Potapoff of FPSRussia. Check the full trailer and get ready for your own surprise as this game releases November 13 ... and if you're like us, you can't wait .....
Treyarch goes all out with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2. The new live action “Surprise” trailer directed by Guy Ritchie, plays on the idea that “there’s a soldier in all of us” .... is there a soldier in you? It features various players that just as they think they have the shot .... "surprise" ...... With special cameos from both film and internet stars that includes Robert Downey Jr. and Kyle Myers, aka Dmitri Potapoff of FPSRussia. Check the full trailer and get ready for your own surprise as this game releases November 13 ... and if you're like us, you can't wait .....